
$6 Million Raised for Childhood Cancer Research

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
February 27, 2013

After shaving their heads for St. Baldrick’s last year, Sean Spicer, communications director for the Republican National Committee, and Brad Woodhouse, communications director for the Democratic National Committee, joined us again this year to help celebrate raising $6 million!

On Nov. 25, 2012, these two partisan flaks came together to make good on a pre-election challenge and raise money for childhood cancer research.

“There’s no doubt politics can be hairy. I had a bet with my political counterpart, Sean Spicer. We each agreed to let the other shave our head on national television if our candidate lost the Presidential election. After the election, I was excited that I’d be shaving Sean’s head instead of him shaving mine. But, when we learned about St. Baldrick’s, we decided that we should BOTH shave, making our bet pay off for kids fighting cancer.” – Brad Woodhouse

“Now we’re not just honoring a bet. We’re having our heads shaved to stand in solidarity with kids fighting cancer, but more importantly, to raise money to find cures.” – Sean Spicer

If these two can shave, why can’t you?! Join the more than 24,700 volunteers who have already registered to shave in 2013 and help Conquer Childhood Cancers!
