
$2 Million Raised for Childhood Cancer Research

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
February 7, 2013

The St. Baldrick’s community is giving two thumbs up because $2 million has been raised to support childhood cancer research!

Michael Fiscus, Romeo, Mich. volunteer event organizer, shares with us how being a St. Baldrick’s volunteer has impacted his life and reveals how long he will continue to support the cause:

“Having the opportunity and privilege to volunteer for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation has had a major impact in my life. I have been fortunate to work with the most amazing team of volunteers, building a massive movement in our community. For us, it takes a village to conquer kids’ cancer.

“The work of St. Baldrick’s brings hope to more and more families every year. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing a cancer survivor, especially a child. As those numbers continue to grow, the pride in my community grows. That is kept in perspective by the knowledge that we still have a long way to go. Someone recently asked how long I will be doing this; I paused and said, ‘When we conquer this.’”

The Village of Romeo will host its annual head-shaving event on Saturday, March 16th. With a goal of raising $300,000, five hundred local heroes are expected to come out for the main event and shave their heads to prove that it takes everyone to help Conquer Childhood Cancers!

Want to join the fun?  Organize an event in your community or register to be a shavee!
