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Logo for Emily Beazley's Kures for Kids Fund
Hero Fund

Emily Beazley's Kures for Kids Fund

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On April 7, 2011, Emily Beazley was diagnosed with Stage III T-Cell Lymphoblastic Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Emily's cancer was extremely aggressive, and she bravely battled it three times over four years. Unfortunately, Emily passed away on May 18, 2015 at 12 years old. Emily often talked about growing older, and she dreamed of starting a foundation that funded research. She named it Kures for Kids. We carry that dream on in her memory.
Funds Raised in 2025
Funds Raised in 2024
Total Funds Raised
Since 2013

Emily’s fight to live, and how she did it despite her obstacles, inspired thousands around the world.

We all prayed for a miracle for Emily, but what we discovered was that she was the miracle. Emily brought together a community and beyond to show their love. Emily changed lives, and the world is a much better place because of her. Emily lived by a simple message she once told the Chicago media – "You gotta stay strong, you gotta stay positive, no matter what happens." President Obama stated it beautifully. “It’s clear Emily’s example of courage, strength, and hope made a lasting impact on people around the world. Emily’s spirit will carry on in the community she brought together and in the hearts of those whose lives she touched.”

When Emily was sent home on hospice, her body was strong enough to continue with her fight, but all options were exhausted. She was able to fight. She wanted to fight. After four years of poison, her organs were still in great shape. It was always her choice, and she always chose to fight. For her to die in pain, suffering, and partially paralyzed, it is just disgusting. Science failed her.

Emily had two professional goals when she became an adult - become a pediatric oncology nurse, and establish a foundation that supports childhood cancer research in hopes of finding better treatment options, and eventually a cure. Emily was always concerned about others, and liked doing her part to help them. When Emily was off treatment the first time and her future looked bright, she named her foundation Kures for Kids, drew the logo, and wrote her plans for it. Emily talked about it often. Unfortunately, Emily was unable see her goal come true. We, the family and friends of Emily Beazley, plan to honor her by carrying on with her mission.

Emily's passing will not be in vain. We hope to one day spare other children from the same horror and grief Emily and those that love her endured. We want to give kids with a cancer diagnosis a future. That is why we continue with Kures for Kids, and partnered with St. Baldrick’s.

Emily Beazley's Kures for Kids Fund Highlights & Happenings

Kures for Kids Webpage

Read about Emily's life and her dream of finding a cure for pediatric cancer.

Kures for Kids Facebook Page

Join our Kures for Kids Facebook page for project updates, community events, and more.
Our 2016 Donors

Your Support Means So Much

These friends and family members helped us raise funds for childhood cancer research in honor of Emily! See the 2018-2023 list.

Photo Gallery

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Where does the money go?

Donations made to the Emily Beazley's Kures for Kids Fund have funded St. Baldrick’s Research Grants for Fange Lui, Ph.D., Roland Walter M.D. Ph.D., M.S., Jing Fang M.D., and Rani George M.D., Ph.D., MRCPSt. Baldrick's Scholar grants for Challice Bonifant, M.D., Ph.D.Zachary Reitman M.D., Ph.D., Brigit Knoechel M.D., Ph.D., a St. Baldrick's Fellow Grant for Ryan Summers M.D., and two years of the Treehouse Initiative Consortium Grant.

The St. Baldrick’s Foundation is guided by a Scientific Advisory Committee, comprised of leading experts in the childhood cancer community, to ensure that every dollar makes the greatest impact for kids with cancer.


Who's involved

These people make us smile - they’re the doers and money-raisers on behalf of Emily Beazley's Kures for Kids Fund. They’re shaving their heads, hosting events, starting fundraisers and more to make childhood cancer research possible.

See who’s raising money

2025 Events for Emily Beazley's Kures for Kids Fund

115 Bourbon Street - Our 19th Year!
  • Mar 8th, 2025
  • Merrionette Park, IL
  • 48 participants
  • $30,415.61 raised
SCA Baldrick's Event
  • Mar 8th, 2025
  • Oak Lawn, IL
  • 52 participants
  • $24,181.10 raised
Southwest Bulldogs
  • Mar 14th, 2025
  • Evergreen park, IL
  • 28 participants
  • $11,072.38 raised
Mount Carmel High School
  • Mar 13th, 2025
  • Chicago, IL
  • 19 participants
  • $1,715.52 raised
Northwest Elementary School
  • Mar 14th, 2025
  • Evergreen Park, IL
  • 7 participants
  • $847.63 raised

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Private events are for people at the company, organization, school, etc., where the event is taking place. Please don't crash the party.

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Get involved your own way:

Start your own St. Baldrick’s head-shaving event to raise money on behalf of our Hero Fund! You’ll be paired with a staff member who will walk you through every step of the process, and you’ll have fun knowing you’re doing a great thing for kids with cancer.

Register to shave your head and raise money for our Hero Fund at any St. Baldrick’s event happening around the world! Not finding an event near you? Register as a virtual shavee and shave your head anytime, anywhere.

Head-shaving not your thing? You can start a fundraiser to raise money for our Hero Fund with St. Baldrick’s in a way that interests you! Like biking? Bike a marathon. Like baking? Start a cookie baking fundraiser… You get the picture.

Need help? Email us at Funds@StBaldricks.org

Thank you to our 2025 donors

$500 - $1,000

This event is private.

Private events are for people at the company, organization, school, etc., where the event is taking place. Please don't crash the party.

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Private events are for people at the company, organization, school, etc., where the event is taking place.