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Logo for David's Warriors
Hero Fund

David's Warriors

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Before David died he said, "I am going to die because research has failed me." He asked his parents to raise money to find cures for neuroblastoma and for all cancers that hurt kids. This fund was created to honor the spirit in which he lived, embracing life until the very end!
Funds Raised in 2025
Funds Raised in 2024
Total Funds Raised
Since 2011

As David, at age 10, lay dying from neuroblastoma, he said, “You’ve got the list?”

The list of things that David would need completed in his absence. The list has become the driving force behind our family’s commitment to St. Baldrick’s.

David was invited to a St. Baldrick’s event and spoke about his cancer, how he embraced life and made a stadium full of people realize that life is good. The shaving began, and David looked at his mom and said, “You have to shave your head!” So she did, and it transformed her life.

Cancer was no longer winning – there was a way to fight back: raise money for research! This was one of David’s main initiatives, and he adored St. Baldrick’s! David, his sister Daisy, and his parents Tom and Susan waged a courageous battle. Unfortunately, on February 10, 2011, David died. But not without his family knowing his wishes. He wanted his family to use their hair to raise as much money to fund research. He knew he was dying because researchers were not funded well enough to unlock the answers to this disease.

David's Warriors Highlights & Happenings

Our 2016 Donors

Your Support Means So Much

These friends and family members helped us raise funds for childhood cancer research in honor of David! See the 2011-2023 list. 

The BIG SHAVE at Allan P. Kirby Athletic Center

Honor David's final wish to raise more money for childhood cancer research and join the Lafayette College community for their annual shave on March 30, 2023.
Donate or sign up here.
The National Crane Project

The National Crane Project

David wanted to place mobiles of 1000 origami cranes in pediatric cancer centers around the country. Help carry on his dream.

Photo Gallery

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Where does the money go?

Donations given to David's Warriors have supported St. Baldrick's Scholar grants for Micahel Leibowitz M.D., Ph. D., and Saurabh Agarwal Ph.D., as well as fully-funded Christorpher Forlenza, M.D.'s 3- year St. Baldrick's Fellow Grant. These researchers are developing better treatment for neuroblastoma and other solid tumors.

The St. Baldrick's Foundation is guided by a 
Scientific Advisory Committee, comprised of leading experts in the childhood cancer community, to ensure that every dollar makes the greatest impact for kids with cancer.


Who’s involved

These people make us smile - they’re the doers and money-raisers on behalf of David’s Warriors. They’re shaving their heads, hosting events, starting fundraisers and more to make childhood cancer research possible.

See who’s raising money

Get involved your own way:

Start your own St. Baldrick’s head-shaving event to raise money on behalf of our Hero Fund! You’ll be paired with a staff member who will walk you through every step of the process, and you’ll have fun knowing you’re doing a great thing for kids with cancer.

Register to shave your head and raise money for our Hero Fund at any St. Baldrick’s event happening around the world! Not finding an event near you? Register as a virtual shavee and shave your head anytime, anywhere.

Head-shaving not your thing? You can start a fundraiser to raise money for our Hero Fund with St. Baldrick’s in a way that interests you! Like biking? Bike a marathon. Like baking? Start a cookie baking fundraiser… You get the picture.

Need help? Email us at Funds@StBaldricks.org

Thank you to our 2025 donors

$1 - $100

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