
Honored Families: 7 Ways You Can Be a Part of a St. Baldrick’s Event

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
March 24, 2015

St. Baldrick’s events are fun for the whole family. No matter where you are in your child’s journey, we want you to be a part of it!

Honored Families at St. Baldrick's events
Here are some of the ways your family can get involved at a St. Baldrick’s head-shaving event without sacrificing your hair:

1.  Attend the event.

Just being there will make the day extra special for all the shavees and volunteers — just ask these VEOs — and you’ll get a taste of what St. Baldrick’s is all about. We promise you won’t be disappointed!

2.  Share your story.

Many events have families speak about their childhood cancer experience to remind attendees why every dollar raised is so important. Public speaking not your thing? You can also:

  • write your story for someone else to read at the event
  • share it privately while you’re mingling
  • tell it to the VEO in advance for them to include in their fundraising emails and event promotion

3.  Share photos.

Some events hang posters, display collages, or play a slideshow of photos of the children they’re honoring. Submit your family photos to the VEO to help create an inspiring atmosphere.

4.  Volunteer.

Behind every great event is a strong committee of volunteers. From recruiting shavees to collecting raffle tickets, there are so many ways you can pitch in to help make sure the day is a success.

5.  Spread the word.

Help get the word out by sharing the event via Facebook, Twitter, email, or word of mouth.

6.  Shave heads.

All of our head-shaving is done by licensed barbers or cosmetologists, but we’d love to have your child pitch in and take some swipes with the buzzer!

7.  Shave your head.

We just had to include this one!

Questions? We’re here to help! Contact Families@St.Baldricks.org.

Ready to be a part of the St. Baldrick’s magic? Find an event near you and get in touch with the VEO.

Find an Event

Read more on the St. Baldrick’s blog:
