Anyone who didn’t know Jeremy well may have thought of him as a quiet or reserved person, but in fact, he was quite the opposite! Jeremy was a very witty kid with a hilariously dry sense of humor - delivering the sort of lines where you’d stop for a double take and think to yourself “wait, did he mean to be that hilarious or was that just lucky?” - the answer is, he really is that funny. Jeremy was very playful and silly, a huge fan of Sponge Bob, Fallout, and all things gaming and gadgets. On January 24th 2020, our world turned upside down when Jeremy received the diagnosis of Burkitts Lymphoma. Over the course of the year he fought through a tumultuous turn of events which involved chemotherapy and complications including a tracheostomy, an inpatient rehab stay, but ultimately achieving remission! Unfortunately, less than two months after leaving rehab, the cancer was back and bigger than ever. Jeremy fought bravely until the very end and he did it with a smile. Jeremy was a really bright kid and possessed maturity far beyond his years. He often sported a fedora hat, sly and cool, and while in the hospital, he ended up with a fan club of sorts; made up of nurses and therapists who enjoyed spoiling him, Jeremy soaked up every minute, requesting foot soaks and water gun fights, and often indulging in his favorite snacks brought on request to satisfy a particular craving. The most important things in his life were his family and his faith. Although he didn’t express this side of himself to just anyone, he possessed a tenderness and a protective nature and would have gone to the ends of the earth if he could, to make sure the people he cared about were okay. In the end, it was Jeremy’s bravery that gave us peace and strength to be brave in his absence. We are sharing his story because 12 years isn’t enough time for a light like his to shine. Please donate to this cause so we can help other kids like Jeremy, in hopes that his legacy can live on through their lives!