Honored Kid

Victoria Drier

Age 34
Victoria Drier Kid Photo


St. Louis, MO, US


Brain or spinal cord tumor

Date of Diagnosis

March 2007


In treatment

Treated At

Siteman Cancer Center St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital St. Louis Children's Hospital

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My Story

Victoria is a beautiful, caring 16 year old who is a sophmore at Ladue Horton Watkins High School. School is very important to her and she works very hard to earn good grades. Victoria enjoys working out with her friends at the gym, listening to music, shopping at the malls, hanging out with her friends, driving her Jeep, talking on her cell phone...just another typical teenager except she has shown such strength and courage over the past three months of her life that most people never have to deal with in a lifetime.

Since Dec. 10th 2007, Victoria has had to deal with terrible headaches, CAT and MRI scans, emergency brain surgery to remove a 5x5 cm tumor, recovering from surgery, finding out that her tumor was maliginant, a spinal tap, radiation treatments for 6.5 weeks 5 days a week,all while trying to live a
normal teenage life. She has handled all of this with grace and dignity. She is to be admired for her strength and courage.
Not once did she complain or ask Why me? She kept her focus on getting well and not letting this disease take over her life.
Victoria is our own special hero. We love you Victoria!

It is now March 2009, Victoria is now 18 and will be graduating high school in May. She will be attending college in the fall. She is feeling well, and continues to have her MRI's every 6 months. Her scans have been clear and we are optimistic that they will continue to be so. She is now volunteering for this great event called St. Baldrick's. Wow, I haven't updated this site since 2009! Unfortunately,Victoria's cancer has come back two more times since 2009. She reoccurred in Aug of 2010, and Jan of 2012. It has been a long road for her and her family, but she still is one tough cookie and so brave. She has been reradiated in 2010 at St. Jude Childrens Hospital, been on different chemo drugs, been on a trial that was located in Chicago, IL at The Lurie Children's Hospital for a year ( traveling there every other week was especially grueling). She is now 23 yrs old and is under the care of an adult Neuro Oncologist in St. Louis. She will be finished with her treatment in May and we are so happy to say she is STABLE!!! Please keep her in your prayers for continued stability and that this nasty beast doesn't return.

The Childhood Cancer Ripple Effect

Help Give Kids a Lifetime

Infants, children, teens and young adults are depending on us to find cures for childhood cancers — and to give survivors long and healthy lives.

Support lifesaving childhood cancer research today.

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