Real-Life Stories

Cancer-Free Isn’t Free: Survivorship is a Lifelong Journey

by Becky Chapman Weaver, Chief Mission Officer
June 1, 2024

June is National Cancer Survivor Month, a time to celebrate childhood cancer survivors and recognize that when a child is declared cancer-free, their cancer story isn’t over. Surviving childhood cancer is just the first step in a lifelong journey.

Childhood Cancer Survivor Stat

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Research Outcomes: Overcoming Challenges

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
May 30, 2024

Our St. Baldrick’s Foundation Research Outcomes blogs highlight examples of the progress your donations are supporting. This quarterly edition focuses on a new treatment target for neuroblastoma, improving CAR T-Cell effectiveness, using ultrasound to reach brain tumors, and preventing heart failure in childhood cancer survivors.

Thank you for making this research possible.

general lab equipment with text Research Outcomes

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Childhood Cancer

Innovative Therapies for Pediatric Gliomas: Preclinical Breakthroughs and Clinical Trial Advances

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
May 25, 2024
Dr. Eric Raabe in navy scrubs, wearing a face mask and a face covering wi the words 'Eric Raabe' on it

Dr. Eric Raabe

Join us as we follow the journey of Dr. Eric Raabe’s research, funded by the St. Baldrick’s Foundation Hero Fund, Hannah’s Heroes. From uncovering the activation of the mTOR pathway in pediatric low-grade gliomas, he went on to conduct successful preclinical studies showcasing the effectiveness of mTOR inhibitors in combination therapy. Now, his research is underpinning a clinical trial to assess the use of Everolimus in pediatric patients facing recurrent or worsening low-grade gliomas.

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Childhood Cancer

What Are Clinical Trials? For Kids With Cancer, Clinical Trials Are a Chance at Life

by Becky Weaver
May 20, 2024

Austin then and now

Honored Kid Austin while battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Right: Austin in 2024, being 10 years cancer-free.

For kids with cancer and their families, clinical trials mean hope – in two ways.

First, phase 1 clinical trials can offer a chance for survival for children with no other viable treatment options.

Second, larger clinical trials help determine whether a new treatment (already tested for safety) offers a better outcome for children than the current standard of care. A better outcome can mean more children cured, or fewer side effects, or a better health outlook for survivors.

With your help, St. Baldrick’s provides crucial support for clinical trials at all stages. Since 2005, more than 145,000 children and teens have been part of a trial supported by St. Baldrick’s donors.

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Tips Every Oncology Family Should Know Before Going to the Emergency Department

by Monica Padilla
May 13, 2024
cancer warrior Vera playing on her iPad in a bed in the emergency department

Monica’s daughter, Vera, passing time in the emergency department

My daughter Vera has been fighting acute lymphoblastic leukemia for almost 2 years, and we recently visited the emergency department (ED) after managing to avoid it for 6 months. Going into this last visit, I remembered all the tips an oncology family should know before heading to the ED. I want to call out that most of these tips were learned by experience and/or told to me by a fellow oncology mom. These are things I wish I had known since diagnosis day.

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We Love You Sutton … always and forever

by Laura Brown, Sutton's mom
May 11, 2024
cancer warrior, Sutton, dressed in overalls and sitting on a bench in some grass

Sutton was a healthy, happy, boisterous 2-year-old who loved trains, cars, trucks, sharks, and dinosaurs. He adored his family, going to the lake and playground, reading books, and watching his “songs.”

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Step Up for Childhood Cancer: Join the St. Baldrick’s 50-Mile Challenge

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
May 8, 2024
golden yellow background with blue sneakers on the left and text on the right saying '50 mile challenge to help give kids with cancer the lifetime they deserve during National Cancer Survivor Month'

June is more than just another month on the calendar. It’s a time to honor strength, resilience, and hope. It’s National Cancer Survivor Month, a time to celebrate those who have triumphed over cancer and recognize that those that are cancer-free still live with lasting effects. This June, you can be a part of raising money to support research to find safer treatments so that survivors can grow up to live long and healthy lives through the St. Baldrick’s 50-Mile Challenge.

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Hair Growth: How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow and How Can I Speed It Up?

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
April 13, 2024

When you shaved or donated your hair, changed your style, or just impatiently waited for your locks to catch a wave, did you ponder the deep, intriguing process—scientifically, unless you’re inclined to philosophical musings—of hair growth? Whether you just got done shaving your head to raise money to Conquer Kids’ Cancer at a local St. Baldrick’s event or you miscalculated how short you were trimming your bangs, many will wonder—how long will it take my hair to grow back? Whatever the reason, unlocking the mysteries of hair growth isn’t just vanity’s fascination; it’s a study of applied biology that can be as emotionally rewarding as it is factual.  

4 females holding their freshly chopped ponytails for donation

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Childhood Cancer

A Decade Of EPICC Progress In Kids’ Cancer Research

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
April 12, 2024

blue and white background with text: a decade of progress: St. Baldrick's Empowering Pediatric Immunotherapies for Childhood Cancers (EPICC) Team

Something extraordinary began in 2013: the first ever pediatric cancer “Dream Team,” funded by the St. Baldrick’s Foundation and Stand Up to Cancer. Combining genomics and immunotherapy in a way that had not been done before, this team of experts at 8 research institutions across the U.S. and Canada set out to create new therapies for the most challenging childhood cancers.

Because of the incredible strides made by the team, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation and the member institutions continued this work, after the funding from Stand Up to Cancer came to an end in 2018.

Now in its third funding period and with a new name, the EPICC Team (Empowering Pediatric Immunotherapies for Childhood Cancer) continues to be led by John Maris, M.D., and Crystal L. Mackall, M.D., and the discoveries continue, saving lives.

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Events and Fundraisers

Empower and Inspire by Shaving Your Head for Kids’ Cancer Research

by St. Baldrick's Foundation
April 6, 2024

It’s not about losing your hair. It’s about giving hope, and it changes more than just your appearance. When people first hear about the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, a charity dedicated to funding childhood cancer research, they often feel a pull—an emotional tether between doing something outside their comfort zone and a cause demanding attention.

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