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Hero Fund

Miracles for Michael Fund

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Michael Orbany was a 9 year old who is a hero to everyone he met. In October 2010, he was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a cancerous brain tumor. His attitude of unwavering faith and never giving up clearly defined his character, along with wanting to bring happiness to others. The Miracles for Michael Fund was created to honor Michael’s tremendous strength to never ever give up in life.
Funds Raised in 2024
Total Funds Raised
Since 2014

Michael Orbany was 9 years old.  He was hero to everyone he met.

In October 2010, he was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a cancerous brain tumor. Over the course of a year, he courageously completed his treatments, standing strong in faith, hope and love. His cancer returned in 2012 and metastasized to his spine. Michael never let this disease define him. He lit up a room with his smile wherever he went. His attitude of unwavering faith and never giving up clearly defined his character, along with wanting to bring happiness to others. Throughout his journey, many people have learned from him and feel his energy to help themselves. The Miracles for Michael Fund was created to honor Michael’s tremendous strength to never ever give up in life. NEGU Is For Us Now.

Miracles for Michael Fund Highlights & Happenings

Researcher Targets Childhood Cancer With a Virus

The money from the Miracles for Michael fund have gone on to support some life-saving research. Read more about it on the St. Baldrick's blog.
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Michael's Facebook Page

Like our Miracles for Michael Facebook page for updates from Michael’s army of believers.

What is Medulloblastoma?

Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children. Find out more here.

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Where does the money go?

Donations given to Miracles for Michael have funded St. Baldrick's Research Grants for Alexander Kabanov Ph.D., D. Sci.Xiaoyang Zhang Ph.D., and Marina Sokolsky-Papkov Ph.D., as wells as a St. Baldrick's Scholars grant for Yoon-Jae Cho, M.D.,  Margot Lazow, M.D., and Gregory Friedman M.D. These researchers are developing better treatments for medulloblastoma.

The St. Baldrick's Foundation is guided by a Scientific Advisory Committee, comprised of leading experts in the childhood cancer community, to ensure that every dollar makes the greatest impact for kids with cancer.


Who’s involved

These people make us smile - they’re the doers and money-raisers on behalf of the Miracles for Michael Fund. They’re shaving their heads, hosting events, starting fundraisers and more to make childhood cancer research possible.

See who’s raising money

Get involved your own way:

Start your own St. Baldrick’s head-shaving event to raise money on behalf of our Hero Fund! You’ll be paired with a staff member who will walk you through every step of the process, and you’ll have fun knowing you’re doing a great thing for kids with cancer.

Register to shave your head and raise money for our Hero Fund at any St. Baldrick’s event happening around the world! Not finding an event near you? Register as a virtual shavee and shave your head anytime, anywhere.

Head-shaving not your thing? You can start a fundraiser to raise money for our Hero Fund with St. Baldrick’s in a way that interests you! Like biking? Bike a marathon. Like baking? Start a cookie baking fundraiser… You get the picture.

Need help? Email us at Funds@StBaldricks.org

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